Where is my beauty?

“What is essential is invisible to the eye” (Saint Exupéry)

If I could suddenly close my eyes and fly above the clouds, free to express who and what I am, would I be able to say that I have found my true nature? Could I say that I am happy?
“Where is my beauty?” is a photographic project born from of the need to describe my inner self, while tracing the journey towards rediscovering my true essence.
These images reveal the my personal conflict between emotionality and rationality, in an attempt to describe the feelings that arise from being in the middle, poised between two worlds, waiting for an inner change.
Mind and body, conscious and unconscious, dream and reality, fear of and attraction to that which we do not know. The desire to escape from stereotypes, the awkward feelings of being different, as if in a cage, and of reclaiming the right to listen and respond to oneself intimately.
In this way, I began to collect images that speak of my roots, delete of my home and of the feeling of being protected when I was a child and young adult. I wish to capture the spontaneous nature of the body as it expresses itself instinctively through its own language, beyond convention and criticism.
Photography satisfies my need to reinterpret reality, desires, and dreams into another possible reality within which to live.
I am fascinated by the emotional effects which images are capable of provoking, and delete I wish to portray the invisible invisibility within everyday life.